Homecoming spirit week

By Sydney White, Staff writer

Homecoming week is a four day school week packed with fun traditions such as dress up days, football games, and ever-so-popular homecoming dance. To celebrate homecoming this week, September 22 to 27, is spirit week for those who chose to participate in the tradition.

Dressing up is a great way to show pride in your school and have some fun. To start off the week, Monday will be lazy day. This day you will actually have an excuse not to put an outfit together. Following lazy day, Tuesday will be twin day, twin with your friend, teacher, or maybe your actual twin. Wednesday is hipster day so throw on your flannels and beanies. The last school day of the week, Thursday, will be Disney themed. Though there will be no school Friday, the football game will be a camo-out.

This week will be full of fun and spirit, participating will be fun for anyone who choses to take part.