Tigard High School’s gym and commons were filled with much more than abandonment on a Saturday, Nov. 16. Even though it was cold and gloomy outside, waking through the doors gave the school some alien life. The commons and gym were reserved for the Tigard Area Farmers Market. The place had a wide array of vendors and their stands selling many different commodities.
First walking in through the doors there was a chance to purchase a raffle ticket. The room was filled with variety: there was a Hot Dog stand, a hummus stand, a kettle corn stand, and many different pottery stands.
There were many friendly people present, and venders engaged in friendly conversation with customers. Home Depot featured an area where kids had a chance to build their own little wood boat. Children also enjoyed getting their faces painted.
Students from KEY club volunteered watching kids who were playing on the blow-up castle, greeting people, and assisting vendors.
Junior Matthew McKenna said, “It feels great to be part of a uniting community.”
Many of the volunteers seemed to enjoy themselves, and even though it was raining outside, the Tigard Area Farmers Market made for a bright day.