6 options better than an 8 period day
6 alternative and more student-friendly options.
Tigard’s decision for an 8 period day proved controversial to the student body.
May 7, 2019
Tigard-Tualatin School District announced last week that in anticipation of mass teacher walkouts across the state, they will be cancelling school. Tigard High School countered this decision by offering students an 8-block day to make-up for it. Many students and teachers strongly opposed this option. Some students took to social media to complain, others took to the halls. Either way, the message was clear, an 8-block day was not the way to go. In an attempt to persuade admin to consider other options, we here at the Paw have come up with six alternatives that would be more functional than an 8- block day.
1. One long class
Why make up for 4 lost periods when you can just make up for one? With IB exams coming up, a single-period day allows for teachers to prep their kids for exams and take a full school day doing so.
2. No school at all

Many students were frustrated that 40 minute periods would be ineffective class time.
TTSD is already missing one day for teacher strikes, and missing two would help balance it out and keep it fair for students. Right?
3. Attend Tualatin instead
Tualatin’s additional IB classes would prove invaluable for students preparing for IB exams. For non full IB students, the finished and non-gravel parking lot will suffice.
4. Put the entire school year into one day
24 straight hours of a full school year’s worth of content. No passing times or lunches, this option is certainly the most efficient way to make up for any lost time throughout the school year. The best way to get anything done is by doing it all at once.
5. The teachers switch classes instead of students
5 minute passing times are a rush with over 1,800 students crowding the halls. To save time, Tigard should just have the teachers switch classes instead.
6. A 16 block schedule
Just go through the 8-block schedule two times. Twice the content, half the time. Maximum efficiency?