Goodbye 2018
A year in review
The student-led walkout as part of the March for Our Lives Movement was one event that defined 2018. Jessica Woolfolk, Meghan Turley and Baylee Berquist organized the walkout and held the banner.
December 31, 2018
As the publications staff reflects on 2018 this New Year’s Eve, we have come up with a list of events, both local and global, that have shaped our community and a list of the students who, in their own small ways, have made our hallways a better place.
Liz: March for Our Lives Movement really impacted 2018 because of how it inspired teens to speak out about what they believed in. Even though this movement came from great tragedy, it created an effect that allowed people to be heard. In past years, teens have not had a role in politics. But now, teens are getting involved and showing genuine interest in what our future society will look like. This gives a sense of hope for the future because of the impact that these people are making on the whole world.
Meghan: TTSD votes to allow SBHC to offer Contraceptives In a unanimous vote, the TTSD school board agreed to offer contraceptives such as condoms and birth control bills. In addition to these contraceptives, the School Based Health Center must also offer effective education on consent, safe sex, and contraceptive options. Tigard-Tualatin joined Portland Public Schools and Hillsboro in offering this option for students.
Katelyn: Kavanaugh’s Hearing gave us all a reason to think before we act. Kavanagh was accused of sexually assaulting many women including Dr. Christine Ford, just weeks before being appointed to the Supreme Court. This changed his life tremendously when he went to court and was bombarded with hate. Even though this alleged incident happened over 30 years ago it has greatly impacted his life in a very negative way. But the effects of the hearing were far-reaching. It also changed 2018 midterm elections, brought back the MeToo movement and caused some people to lose trust in the government.
Jamie: International Night When looking back on the year, I think it’s important not only to focus on the huge timeline events that shaped the world, but to reflect on the smaller, more local memories as well. International Night was one of my favorite events at Tigard High this year, especially since it built off of an event we already had (Japan Night) to create something bigger for even more students to enjoy. I really liked that International Night brought together so many different clubs and students with differing interests to have fun together, and I believe that reflects our community’s appreciation for togetherness and creating lasting memories. Things like that – appreciating the finer details of life – are just as important as the high-scale, ‘big picture’ events when I look back on the year.

International Night featured some new activities.
Hillary: Tigard’s Anonymous Journal rollout in the halls symobolized that this was the year students started to communicate about mental health without an adult in the middle. What made the anonymous journals noteworthy to me was that it was an initiative that was started by students for students. It didn’t feature positive self-talk or ways to cope. Instead it opened windows into individual students’ lives and experiences. It reminded us that having an outlet for expression can be powerful and that empathy can start small, on a trip to the bathroom or passing by on the way to gym class. Sometimes there’s power in the small things. Sometimes it’s not the extensive mental health systems adults put into place; sometimes lives can be improved simply by the two acts of writing and reading.
Olivia N: Tigerettes winning the national championship was a huge accomplishment that many people forget happened in 2018. Last March, The Tigerettes dance team headed for California for the United Spirit Association Spirit Association Dance Nationals. At nationals, they kicked all their competition out of the park and came home with the title of National Champions and the first place trophy. Even with multiple problems at Tigard High with not getting adequate space to practice and not much funding, the girls were able to work hard to come together and create something amazing with what they had.

Tigerettes win the State Championship.
Jared: Looking back on the year, the Veterans Assembly is my vote for the event that made a difference. It is important for the student body and it is a way to bring the community together to recognize the many veterans that have served us. Being able to listen to someone from the community share their experiences and what they have learned is so valuable. In those assemblies, students are able to listen and respect what these veterans have done for us and that is a powerful thing to experience year in and year out.
Maddie: Out of everything that happened this year, the event that stands out to me the most was the 2014 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. I can vividly remember watching the US play against Canada for the Olympic gold in women’s ice hockey. It was one of the greatest comebacks and redemption for the US, since their losses in the 2010 and 2014 ice hockey finals. After a dramatic win of 3-2, the US celebrated their gold with 23 total medals and 4th place ranking in the overall Olympic games.
Liz: Sarah Gentry is a student who made an impact in 2018. Gentry is one of the most positive, kind individuals that I’ve gotten to know over the years. Even when she is having a rough day, Gentry will always make you laugh or smile. Along with being this positive person, she is involved in a lot of activities. She is a full IB student, volunteers at EBA, skis on the varsity ski team, takes a leadership role in Young Life, and is the ASB publicity officer in leadership. Even with this busy of a schedule, Gentry tries to make the world around her better every day. So, thank you Gentry, for making the THS community a better place to be.
Maddie: As a new student at Tigard, it is interesting to select a person who has made an impact in 2018 with such small knowledge about the community. However, the short glimpse of time has still allowed me to meet a variety of different people at our school. My nominee is Phuong Thao Tran; leader of YALA, member of NEHS, HOSA, SHH, has knowledge beyond the average junior and compassion that can’t be replicated. Every day, Tran would initiate conversation with me, help with class assignments, and offer other small but appreciated gestures. Although this seems insignificant, it meant a lot to me knowing that someone truly cared about helping me fit into the school. Her friendliness and genuine interest opened doors and an important friendship. I think that any small action or gesture can make a huge impact on a community, and her enthusiasm to help should be celebrated and recognized.
Hillary: A student who made an impact in 2018 is Bonifacio Yuzon. Okay, yeah, I know, there’s a hint of bias here since he’s in our class, but hear me out. From his magic tricks to his Stand for the Second walkout organization, Yuzon changed the way we thought about things in 2018. We may have wanted to know how he did his tricks, but we were amazed nevertheless. And we may not have agreed with his politics, but we agreed with his right to protest. He made us question deeply–his tricks, our politics, our policies. What might have torn us apart also brought us together in 2018. Thanks, Yuzon, for making us think.
Olivia N: For me Chloe Skinner is someone who has made a big impact for our school and community in 2018. Skinner is the president of multiple clubs and strives to give back to her community through each and every one of them. In Key Club, she creates opportunities for the students of Tigard High to volunteer and do good in the world while getting out in the community herself and making a difference. Skinner also is the president of Sparrow Club. She is helping raise money for Sparrow Mya’s hospital bills while sending her encouragement to fight through her struggles. Another club she has created is the Forever Friends Club. Skinner started the club this year to have people connect with kids in our school who are in the peer tutor program. The club is meant to spread love and kindness to everyone and a positive place for every student to come to school. Along with being a part of these clubs and many more Chloe also take multiple IB classes and works hard in her academics. Even though Skinner is a very busy person, she is such a caring person and takes time out of her day to spread happiness and kindness. Whenever I pass her by she always has a huge smile on her face and looking at the day in a positive manner.
Jared: A student that made an impact on 2018 is Ethan McClelland. McClelland never fails to put people before himself and is a light inside the school and in the Tigard community. He is a friendly face inside the school that is welcoming to everyone. As a full IB student and a YL student leader, McClelland is busy in school and active in the community working to make it a better place. Thanks McClelland for being a friend and someone that makes THS a better place.