Students rush to join at Club Rush
Last year’s Club Rush drew crowds. Cat Terrell, ’19, talked up Philosophy Club to sophomores Kylee Smith, Faith Heupel, Hannah Southard and Katie Sheasgreen.
September 21, 2018

Junior Brandon Matheson signs up for STUDD Club. Clubs had a variety of ways to attract new members during Club Rush. Some offered free candy, cake, lanyards, opportunities to draw on the table, and more.
Club Rush is a yearly gathering that provides students with time to look at and sign up for new and old student-led organizations.
On Thursday Sept. 20 traditional clubs, like MECha, Sparrow and Key Club, and incoming ones, such as the Calligraphy Club, THS Trap Shooting Team, Jewish Student Union and Tigard Political Action Club, promoted themselves to attract students into joining their clubs.
Crowding was in effect again as there was very tight room in the cafeteria. Due to construction, instead of gathering in the main gym and hallways, clubs were forced to use the cafeteria and the courtyard and breezeway located right outside of it.
The size limitations didn’t seem to upset anyone. The weather outside was ideal and the crowd flow was efficient. “I think that leadership [students] did a great job this year. They had maps for teachers on how to go in and where every club was located,” Receptionist Shari Balcom said. “So I think they adjusted well to the construction.”
Clubs invite students, especially freshmen, to participate in school events and volunteer opportunities.
“MEChA participates at club rush every year as well as the homecoming parades, we do Halloween rooms every year with SHH…we have our Noche Latina every May…and we sell roses and water bottles at graduation,” MEChA co-president senior Karla Serrano said.
Some students join organizations to be eligible to receive a cord for graduation or to make their college resumes look impressive. However, volunteering means more for other people.
“We’re doing something for the greater good for a family and a child who really needs our help,” Sparrow co-president senior Catherine Frisiras said.
Key club and Sparrow, like MEChA, also offer multiple possibilities in which everyone is welcome to be included in.
“One of the biggest things that we accomplished was definitely kind of making a change in the community more than we normally did,” Key Club co-president senior Chloe Skinner said.
Though a little different from previous years, Club Rush still satisfied. “It was great! I got to see many clubs,” freshman Dioselin Abarca said.
Since most clubs will be starting next week, students should keep an eye out for upcoming meetings. Check the weekly/daily bulletins or contact clubs for questions and more information.