Juarez-Venegas joins the marines
June 9, 2017
The 2016-2017 school year is ending, the flowers are blooming and summer is just around the corner. While other seniors are gathering things for their college dorms or looking for a roommate, Isabel Juarez-Venegas is preparing herself to be committed to the Marines.
It was not an easy decision to leave family and friends behind, but Juarez-Venegas thought it would be the best route for herself. “I wanted to challenge myself. All throughout high school, I wasn’t involved with any sports or joined any clubs; I wanted to experience something new,” Juarez-Venegas said.
As a first-generation college bound Latina student, going through high school was not an easy process. The transition between middle school and high school was difficult, and transferring from Tualatin to Tigard her freshman year was even harder on Juarez-Venegas. However as time passed, Juarez-Venegas learned to get out of her comfort zone which led her to new opportunities and experiences.
Being the first person in the family to go to college comes with an immense amount of pressure. “In the back of my head there was always this stereotype of us Latinas; that we weren’t meant for higher education. Thankfully I didn’t let a silly stereotype define me or my future,” Juarez-Venegas said.
Listening to all the stereotypes that society comes up with and threw at Juarez-Venegas did not stop her from achieving her goals and making her mother proud. Juarez-Venegas’ mom has become her motivation through any obstacle that comes her way. “She had nothing and still managed to give us everything to survive,” Juarez-Venegas said. She is very grateful for having a very independent, strong, and caring mom as her role model.
In October Juarez-Venegas will be leaving for South Carolina where she will begin her three months of training. After that, she will be doing four years of active service all around the world and four years of inactive service. She plans on going back to college and majoring in child psychology. Juarez-Venegas enjoys being surrounded by kids and helping them fulfill their potential.
Much like any parent having a child going off to the Marines, they are a little worried.
“My parents are very supportive of my decision but at times still doubt it and constantly ask if this is what I want to do,” Juarez-Venegas said. She knows that it’s not easy letting your child go and grow up. She knows they want to see their daughter happy and see her achieve those great things they always knew she would.
Although Juarez-Venegas is nervous to see what her future hold for her, she is excited to start a new adventure.

Juarez-Venegas walks to accept the King City Lions Club, Henry J. Marchion Scholarships for $1,000.