Everybody loves to drink hot chocolate, sled, and most importantly, not go to school. One of the only ways that we can do this is if it snows. Everybody has been waiting all week for it to snow and they thought that it would. According to the weather forecast, it was supposed to snow on Tuesday night, Thursday night and it was supposed to stick on Friday because of temperatures below 30 degrees. It may have snowed Friday morning, but a little snow won’t get students and staff a no school day.
“I am kind of bummed that we only got a tiny bit of snow, but hopefully we will get snow later,” said sophomore Ashley Dawes.
So far, the weather forecast has been wrong about snow, but they have been right about cold temperatures. It may not have snowed like people expected, but this week Tigard, Oregon has reached temperatures as low as 22 degrees.
“I am disappointed because it was freezing cold this week, but it didn’t even snow,” said freshman William Santos.
It is supposed to snow next week, however it will not stick if the 40 degree weather that the weatherman is expecting happens. Many are disappointed that we only got enough snow for the roads to be slightly icy, but not enough to sled or miss school.
“I am very let down that it snowed in Albany and Salem, but the only place it didn’t snow was in Tigard,” said junior Sasha Hershey. “I really hope it snow next week so we don’t have school.”
Now, everyone at Tigard High School is hoping and praying that we will have more snow before winter break and that it will stick to the ground, but as far as the weather forecast goes, no sticking snow is predicted to happen for a while.