Darkwing Manor & Morguetorium Museum
According to Darkwing Manors Highlights and Attractions: Join Baron and Baroness Reuwsaat in their Phoenix, Oregon Victorian Haven for Vampires and other Creatures of the Night! Tour the mourning and funerary museum, then enter the Haunted Grounds if you dare! Fortunes told, fire-breathers, live actors.
Address: 4192 Coleman Creek Road
Oregon 97501
Phone: (541) 512-1891
Email: darkwingmanor@gmail.com
Hours: 6pm-9:30pm
Admission: $8.00
Open: October 26,27, and 31
Appropriate for 10 and older
The House Of Shadows
Description was not provided
Address: Street Address
Oregon 97203
Phone: (503) 530-9150
Email: asap1926@yahoo.com
Hours: N/A
Admission: N/A
Open: N/A
Howl n’ Feast
According to Howl n’ Feast, their highlights of attraction is: Howl n’ Feast is a fundraiser for the Miss Tri-Valley Scholarship Organization. WCEs movie special effects and pyrotechnics make this a unique experience for our guests. Other local non-profits have the opportunity to earn 5% of the door by performing during our haunt.
Adress: Main St
Oregon 97038
Phone: (503) 307-5609
Email: howlnfeast@gmail.com
Hours: N/A
Admission: N/A
Hours: N/A