Class of 2016 powder puff threepeat
Photo by Hannah Curry
October 2, 2015
The senior girls team handily won this year’s powder puff flag football tournament making it a threepeat for this talented group of girls.
Powder puff turns the tables on the sexes. Instead of the girls cheering for the boys, the girls are being cheered by the boys. Powder puff games are a tradition at many high school around the country. In flag football, the girls wear flags around their waist, and the flag is pulled in place of the normal tackle seen in American football.
Powder Puff games traditionally happen as part of homecoming festivities. These fun competitions are used as fundraisers or for community building. At Tigard there’s “no prize except knowing you won,” said Powder Puff Coordinator Mrs. Heidi Dehaan. 38 seniors, 25 juniors, 22 sophomores and 22 freshmen girls played in this year’s tournament.
The seniors won the tournament for a record three years in a row. “The games were really fun, and it was a good team bonding because you get to know everyone,” explained senior Erica Agnesse.
The juniors came in second. Junior Holly Wilder proved that it was never too late to start a powder puff career. “The games were fun and a good experience for a new sport I tried,” said Wilder.
Freshman Hajduk Ellie was disappointed with her team’s third place. “The games were good, but the freshmen should have won,” said Ellie
The sophomores may have finished last, but they kept their head held high, knowing they had tried hard. “The games were hard, and everyone was very tough. We played to the best of our abilities,” said sophomore Jane Davis.
Powder Puff games try to be as friendly as possible, though there may be some aggressive players. Boys do the cheering and have a chance to see how fired up girls can be, too! Junior cheerleader Blake Chisholm cheered for the junior girls. “The girls played football, I cheered,” said Chisholm.
If you enjoyed Powder Puff there is a similar event called Powder Tuff. Powder Tuff is a volleyball game played by the boys in the spring.