“The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give blood.” This is the slogan for the American Red Cross blood drive.
For over 10 years, Red Cross has been coming to Tigard High to put on a blood drive. Over 100 students of 16 years or older participated in the blood drive by donating a pint of blood or volunteering with Red Cross workers. National Honors Society (NHS) organizes this event every year.
“If [everyone] stopped collecting blood,” said senior NHS President Kendall Lockwood. “Every ounce counts.”
According to the Red Cross website, someone in the U.S. needs blood every two second and a single car crash victim can require as much as 100 pints of blood. A person donates one pint of blood at a time, which can save the lives of three people.
“I want to help people who need blood transfusions,” said junior Jaelyn Baisa, who donated blood. “If you have blood to give, why wouldn’t you help?”
The blood of students was drawn by Red Cross professionals, who set up exam tables and stations in the school’s small gym. After getting blood drawn, students were given a choice of snacks from Cheez-Its to chocolate bars to keep their energy up.
“What I like most is our donations help people locally,” said NHS adviser Francis Caro. “That makes it a really meaningful experience.”
If you missed your chance to donate blood this time around, there will be another blood drive held in February. You must be 16 years or older to donate. Find more information about donating blood at http://www.redcrossblood.org/