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What’s the best chocolate for Valentine’s Day?

     As Valentine’s Day approaches, many think of buying their Valentine a gift. Chocolate is one of the more popular gifts, as it is cheap, sweet, and a “safe” option. But the question that arises is: “What kind of chocolate should you buy?” There are many kinds of chocolate, but two of the most popular are white chocolate and dark chocolate. 

     The Candy Apothecary, a chocolatier in Portland, explains what kind of chocolate she prefers. 

     The Candy Apothecary is a chocolatier and candy creator that sells her chocolate and candy at shops in the Portland area and on her website: She explains that she prefers dark chocolate because it is “richer in flavor,” with “actual cacao in it.”  Dark chocolate is a bitter combination of 50-90% of cocoa butter and cocoa solids with no added milk or butter.     

     She also mentioned that white chocolate sometimes tastes “fake or too sweet.”  White chocolate is a white candy with at least 20% cocoa butter; and does not contain any cocoa solids. 

     There is an important history behind chocolate and Valentine’s Day. A marketing genius, Cadbury began to put Cupid’s and rosebuds on heart-shaped boxes of chocolates around 1861. People could then save the boxes even after the chocolate had been eaten to save mementos. Because of that history, things like cupid, chocolate, roses, hearts, etc. have become super well-known and popular; especially around Valentine’s Day. 

     Although some people go for the conversation hearts or milk chocolate on Valentine’s Day, you should go for white or dark chocolate. 

     According to The Candy Apothecary, you should buy dark chocolate. But, there are pros and cons to both. Dark chocolate is strong and rich in flavor and a bit bitter, while white chocolate is very sweet, creamy, smooth and can have notes of vanilla. 

     In the end, the most important thing is to buy your Valentine a thoughtful gift or chocolate they will love for Valentine’s Day.

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