While the majority of the student body was overjoyed to have two days off of school to sleep, watch movies, and play in the snow multiple events were canceled due to the weather. Among them included the Tigard vs. Tualatin basketball games, all performances of Ink 5, the dance competition hosted by the Tigerettes, and the Senior Prom put on by leadership for senior citizens in the community. Here’s what was cancelled and what’s being done to make up for events missed.
“I was really disappointed when I heard that the game was cancelled,” said senior cheerleading co-captain Hannah Henrikson. “Everyone looks forward to the rivalry game every year and it would be sad not to have it.”
Fortunately, the games have been rescheduled for Wednesday February 12th and will hopefully result in another year of victory for the Tigers.
Another sport that was affected by the storm was dance team. Every year the Tigerettes host a dance competition at T.H.S. in order to raise money for their program and their trip to nationals in the spring. The competition was canceled and the Tigerettes now have to come up with different ways to raise the fund required for them to go to nationals in California. The competition is tentatively rescheduled for March 8 and will take place of their annual Night of Dance showcase.
Leadership got hit hard by the snow day; two of their big events being were either canceled or rescheduled. The annual human rights assembly was set to take place on Monday the 10th. However, when the school announced on Sunday night that school would be closed all day, the leadership team had to alert everyone involved that it would instead take place on Wednesday. What’s even more sad is that the community dance that leadership has dubbed the “Senior Prom” has been canceled. There’s no word yet on whether it will be rescheduled or not but many in the community are hoping it will as they’ve been planning to dance the night… er afternoon… away.
Perhaps the largest event that was affected was the production of Ink 5, a series of student written, directed, and acted in plays. The show had planned to open on Thursday Feb. 6 and continue with performances on Friday and Saturday night, as well as a Saturday matinee. When the snow came, it took all hope of opening on time with it. The show has since been rescheduled to take place on Friday Feb. 14 and Saturday the 15th. Although the cast and crew are worried about getting ticket sales up to where they planned it to be, they’re grateful that the show is going on at all.
“At first they were going to cancel the show altogether.” revealed senior Rebecca Kruse. “Luckily they’ve decided to have performances; everyone’s worked really hard to get it together.”
While it may have been fun getting the chance to veg out at home doing nothing and enjoying the winter weather; months of planning and practice that has gone into these events and the disappointment suffered when they were cancelled.