Celebrate banned books week

In schools across the U.S., students are unable to read censored or “banned” books due to content. Banned books week celebrates the freedom to read what we wish.  Here is a list of the top ten most commonly banned books in high schools.  Many students at Tigard High School have probably read at least one book on the list.  Celebrate the week by picking up one of these titles from the library today.

  1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

  2. The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

  3. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

  4. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

  5. The Color Purple by Alice Walker

  6. Ulysses by James Joyce

  7. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

  8. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

  9. Catch 22 by Joseph Heller

  10. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

We asked a few staff members with close relationships to books how they felt about books being banned. Here’s what they had to say.

Librarian, Miss Eryn McKee

What are your thoughts on banned books?

“No comment.”

Any banned books you like?

“I remember reading Huckleberry Finn when I was younger, and I remember really enjoying it.”

Any comments to add?

“We do have some of the banned books in the library. You can read them or check them out. I’m not entirely sure what banned means, but if a parent isn’t comfortable with their student being exposed to certain books, we will work with the parent. Usually it is books that are outdated and aren’t relevant today.

English Teacher, Ms. McKenzie Coulson

What are your thoughts on banned books?

 “I think that their is good rationale to not exposing certain things to kids and teens like levels of literature, but as an English teacher, when you ban books that are major prize winners and have something very important to say, I think there needs to be space for those to be exposed. The banned book lists kind of feel out of date at times.”

Any banned books you like?

“Catcher in the Rye is a personal favorite and Catch 22.”

English Teacher, Mr. Joe Dessert

What are your thoughts on banned books?

“To me banned books aren’t really a current issue, but it used to be more of one when I was younger. In high school I remember whenever there was a banned book, a prime example–Breakfast of Champions. The fact it was banned made me want to read it. I also remember Huckleberry Finn.”

Any comments to add?

“My opinion on banned books is that it is silly to ban most, because the harsh content often relates to the story and makes a book complete.”

After hearing what the some of the staff had to say banned books, it seems like it is not much of an issue here at T.H.S. Students what do you think? Happy Banned Books week Tigard High School!